Wednesday, February 4, 2015


In order to do justice to the FBI and Homeland Security:  I had mental unstability for 7 years, during which I complained online about non-existent spying.  I sincerely apologize to the FBI and Homeland Security people, who daily put their lives on the frontline of protecting us against the terrorists and various mischievous criminals.

I have decided to hide all my previous posts, mainly because they are mostly about politics and have little educational value to whoever would read them.   Also, they contain false information about the men and women who protect this country.  After revision, I decided that nearly all of the blog is trash and not worth keeping.

I also would like to write something of value, for once:

Jesus Christ is the Savior of humanity.  He loves you and died on the cross to save you.  He came back to life three days later.

Whoever believes in Jesus Christ and gets baptized would have eternal life, would get adopted by God and son or daughter of God (Romans 8:15), would go to heaven (if you endure to the end living a holy life) and live ever happily with God and the saints and the angels.

The most important thing is life is to love God, and love people.

The Christian is unsignificant in this life, but in the future life in heaven a Christian would inherit all things (Revelations 21:7).

The Kingdom of God is " righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Romans 14:17).

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